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Frequently Asked Questions

This page answers common questions about the PetroRock Windup Action Settlement and related issues.

1 / Which investors are included in the PetroRock Trust Settlement Class?

Investors in the following funds are included in the Settlement Class:

  • Choice Energy Holdings - I, LLC

  • Choice Energy Holdings - II, LLC

  • Choice Energy Holdings - III, LLC

  • Choice Energy Holdings IV Fund, LLC

  • Choice Energy Holdings IV RIA Fund, LLC

  • Choice Entry Fund II, LLC

  • Legacy Energy, LLC

  • Legacy Energy II, LLC

  • PRMH Lenders Fund, LLC

  • PRMH Lenders Fund II, LLC

  • PRMH Lenders Fund III, LLC

  • PRMH Lenders Fund IV, LLC

  • HomeBound Resources, LLC (HBR-HGI)

  • HomeBound Resources, LLC (MINA I)

  • HomeBound Resources, LLC (MINA II Phase II)

  • PetroRock Mineral Holdings, LLC (PetroRock I)

  • PetroRock Mineral Holdings, LLC (PetroRock Phase II)

  • Strategic Energy Assets-IV, LLC

  • Strategic Energy Assets-V, LLC

  • Strategic Energy Assets-VI, LLC

  • Strategic Energy Assets-VII, LLC

  • Strategic Energy Assets VIII Access Fund, LLC

  • Strategic Energy Assets VIII Referral Fund, LLC

  • Strategic Energy Assets VIII RIA Fund, LLC

  • SEA VIII Master Fund, LLC

  • CW I, CW II, and Currie-Pfluger.

2 / If I invested in one of the class funds, do I need to do anything to be included in any approved settlement?

No, there is nothing that investors need to do at this time to be included in the Settlement Class or to be included in future distributions.  Future recoveries against other parties, however, may require direct participation if a class is not certified.

3 / How do I know that you have all of my investment information?

As part of the settlement proceedings, PetroRock has disclosed all of its records for investors.  If you received notice via mail or email, you are in these records.  Once the settlement is approved and the PetroRock windup moves towards conclusion, there will be an opportunity to confirm your investment details.

4 / What if I invested in a fund through Resolute that is not part of the Settlement Class?

The proposed settlement does not affect investors who invested in funds that are not included in the settlement agreement.

5 / How much money will I receive as part of the proposed settlement?

The short answer is that it is too early to tell what the final recovery percentage will be for investors.

The proposed Settlement will require PetroRock to contribute all of its remaining assets to a liquidating trust, to be administered by Tre Black as Trusteee.   The value of those assets is unknown.   Because PetroRock is contributing all of its remaining assets, it is the opinion of the lead counsel that this portion of the settlement is in the best interests of the class members.


The proposed settlement also provides a mechanism for class members to let the Trustee to pursue recovery of funds from insiders and other liable third parties.  The lead counsel to the class feels that this is the most efficient way to pursue those claims.   It is impossible to estimate the value of those future recovery efforts at this time, but the proposed settlement empowers the Trustee to pursue those claims.    At a future moment, class members will have the option to “opt out” of this portion of the settlement agreement, so that the opt-outs may pursue these claims on their own, should they so choose.

6 / How long will recovery take?

The short answer is that it is too early to tell how long the recovery process will take.  

It is the opinion of the lead class counsel that we are closer to the beginning of the recovery process than the end.  For complex insolvency and fraud recoveries, it is not uncommon for the process to last several years.

7 / Should I object to the proposed Settlement?

The lead counsel to the proposed class does not feel it can advise potential class members on whether they should object to the proposed settlement at this time.  Counsel’s positions are more fully stated in the proposed settlement documents and in the answers to the questions above.

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